"Sculptor, Jayne Harrison, is driven by visual images.  "An image may be evoked by something I see during a walk or ride, by a passage I've read or even a picture.  The image will tickle my thoughts until it's produced in clay.  Then, poof, it's gone like a conjurer's trick." 



Jayne enjoys incorporating child's play in her work.  "After squishing clay between their fingers, most children will roll a coil to make a snake and then pound clay balls into turtles."  Her turtles sunning themselves on a log are turtles a child might make.  Clay cutouts of her hands become her moose's antlers.  Her sheep are fleeced with finger shaped wads of clay.

Clay is imprinted by anything applied to it. Jayne uses textured slabs as the basis for sculptures. Sentinel was formed using cut and torn textured slabs of clay forming shoulders and a head piece with a realistic head.

"Clay is a lasting medium.  Shards of pottery and sculptural work are found where ancient man has lived.  Clay records the textures I impose on it from the world around me, and those imprints will be preserved after I am gone."




"My work incorporates age-old materials and techniques translated into a modern statement reflecting my life and loves.  I love being involved in every aspect of production from inspiration to finished piece.  Each work is hand sculpted with the emphasis on 'hand.'  My work shows my thumbprints."


Jayne lives, works, teaches, and shows in the Birmingham area.  She is the Artist in Residence at Hoover High School.  Her work can be found at Cobb Lane Gallery and Four Season's Gallery.

Click here to contact Jayne via e-mail.